Learn Abiding Online

What is Abiding?

Most Christians say they don’t hear from God or that God doesn’t talk to them. We said the same things. Our response to that is “How much time are you spending with the Lord everyday? The average prayer time for over 95% of Christians is under 3 minutes per day. How can you expect to hear from God if you don’t spend any time with Him?

When we describe “Abiding” what we mean is making an appointment everyday with the Lord and showing up to that appointment with anticipation and expectation to hear about what He has to say you about the next steps to take in your life.

In our courses we will teach you everything you need to learn to start hearing the Lord speak to you on a daily basis. That said, Abiding isn’t something you learn once. Abiding is a way of life.

With our courses you can go at your own pace and go back to any lesson any time you need a refresher. All of our courses are free and fully funded by our ministry.

Learn Abiding Online

Abiding Courses

As this was freely given to us its our mission to freely give it away to help create as many disciples as possible, get people to heaven and truly make a difference in the world. We have courses tailored towards men, women and couples. Click the option below that like to go through and well send you a login right now.
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Course For Men

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Course For Women

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Course For Couples

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